Tantra Thakur

Non-Executive Director

Tantra is the former Head of PTC India with more than 40 years of experience with government, private and global companies in India, South Asia and SE Asia. Under his stewardship as Chairman and Managing Director from 2000-2012, PTC India became the first electricity trading company in India/ South Asia. He led the company to diversify into financial services through PTC India Financial Services Limited and co-sponsored the first Energy Exchange in India. He now serves as a non-executive Member of the Board on several companies. He has provided advisory services to many other companies in the Energy Sector in India including Fortnum India and the Essar Group. He was deputed to UNHCR for performance audit on behalf of the UN Board of Auditors. He served as a member of the Prime Minister’s Task Force on the socio-economic development of Jammu and Kashmir in India.

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