Ricardo Hansby

Advisor Corporate Affairs

Ricardo Hansby has extensive experience in both the private and public sectors across different industries spanning over 25 years, particularly as it relates to economic and business development, economic development partnerships and social facilitation. He was most recently Executive Director of Senze Consulting and Senzenina Economic and Enterprise Development Solutions, consultancy companies that specialise in enterprise development and economic development with a focus on partnerships between government and the private sector in economic development and private sector job creation, stakeholder participation, and public policy, after having been Head: Corporate Affairs & Community Investment (Africa) for a multinational renewable energy company.

He previously served as Deputy Director-General: Partnerships and Special Projects for the Municipal Infrastructure Support Agency (MISA) of the national Department of Cooperative Governance in South Africa. One of the special projects under his direction included the Special Presidential Project (SPP) on Distressed Mining Towns.

Mr Hansby was transferred to MISA from the Department of Cooperative Governance where he was Deputy Director-General: Infrastructure and Economic Development. As Head of the Branch: Infrastructure and Economic Development he was responsible for policy development and implementation in the fields of municipal infrastructure (including electricity), basic services and local economic development. He represented the Department on various high-level structures including the Economic Sector, Employment and Infrastructure Cluster of Departments, the Technical Committee of the Inter-Ministerial Committee on Anti-Poverty and Employment Creation and the Board of Directors of the Development Fund of the Development Bank of Southern Africa. At the time he chaired the technical committee of the Economic Workstream of the Special Presidential Project on Distressed Mining Communities and served on the Jobs Fund Advisory Committee of the Minister of Finance. Internationally, he co-chaired NetsAfrica, a bilateral structure to encourage business and government cooperation between Tuscany (Italy) and South Africa.

Prior to the call to public service, Ricardo had a stint as Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director of the Cape Chamber of Commerce and Industry after serving in various capacities in the public and private sectors.

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