Clean,  affordable,  and  renewable 

GreenCo delivers tailored energy solutions that empower businesses, utilities, and renewable energy developers to thrive in today’s evolving energy landscape. Whether you are a producer looking to sell your energy, or a consumer seeking a reliable and cost-effective supply of power, our goal is to ensure you receive the best value and service. Read on to explore how GreenCo can help you meet your energy needs.

Power Consumers

GreenCo Energy Solutions

We will supply power to you through your existing grid connection. Our solutions cater to businesses of all sizes and are flexible and tailor-made to meet your unique energy needs.

Our custom PSAs

Are adapted

to your energy needs whether its baseload or variable supply.

Mitigate future Price Risk

Lock in a long-term price for clean, renewable energy and protect your business from future price increases.

Enhance Security

of Supply. Ensure your business' operational continuity even in the event of reduced supply from your grid provider.

Are flexible

Tenors can range from 5-15 years (or longer) and the amount you need can be customized to meet your demand in any period

Can be non-firm

Want to take advantage of low power prices available in the market? Simply place a stop order with us to buy power when it is available.

Energy Management Services

For customers with multiple sites and/or multiple supply sources, GreenCo can simplify your energy management and lower your cost of supply.

GreenCo does this by


contracted PV generation to minimise balancing costs

Actively monitoring

surplus and deficit positions and buying or selling power in the market to optimise costs


power purchases and sales, managing the invoicing, system reconciliation, and interfacing with the system operator.

Renewable Energy Certificates (REC) Trading

RECs are used by utilities, corporates and many other users and generators of electricity to meet targets for greenhouse gas emission reductions that are either mandated or internally generated.

The Registry provides a fully auditable chain of custody record to support the trading of energy attribute certificates and uniquely verifiable claims of ownership by end-users.

GreenCo is a registered

Market Participant on the International Tracking Standard (I-REC Standard)

I-REC represents

1 (one) megawatt hour (MWh) of production

As a Participant,

GreenCo can conduct trades and redemption of RECs on the Registry on behalf of its clients.

Independent Power Producers

Power Purchase Agreements

A bankable offtake agreement with a creditworthy offtaker is often the most difficult aspect of getting a project financed. GreenCo provides a long-term, market-tested and bankable power purchase agreement.

Our PPAs are

Backed by

the high credit rating of GuarantCo (Moody’s A1 and Fitch AA-)


with leading financial institutions


from market and credit risk

Market Tested

and accepted by leading regional IPPs

Not dependent

on a back-to-back offtake arrangement.

Market Access & Trading Services

For producers that want to sell power at the best possible price, GreenCo offers you access to the SAPP market and its trading services. GreenCo will take your power and sell it for you for a small commission. This arrangement is perfect for producers that occasionally have excess power or that need an interim solution until they secure a long-term PPA.

We offer

24/7 Energy Trading

Real-time market operations through our customized ETRM, ensuring efficiency and risk diversification.

Comprehensive Market Access

Unlock the benefits of market access, data analytics, and risk management for optimal trading outcomes.

Cross-Border Trading

Seamlessly move energy across grids and borders within the Southern African Development Community (SADC).


Creating Value through Partnerships

A key benefit of our business model is that we help unlock and create value for Utilities and System Operators in Southern Africa and contribute to the development of a vibrant diversified energy ecosystem in the region.

We do this by


new revenue streams for utilities from wheeling, energy banking, balancing, and other services.


the wheeling process for IPPs, customers AND utilities


grid support services such as standby capacity and demand management.

Other Services

Benefit from our Technical, Legal and Regulatory Expertise

As a market pioneer that has helped drive energy market liberalisation in Southern Africa, you can benefit from the in-house expertise we have in this fast-growing new industry.

GreenCo ensures that you


our extensive knowledge of energy market dynamics in the region to navigate regulatory frameworks effectively.


customised support to ensure compliance and minimize risk in energy transactions


innovative solutions that align with regional policies and priorities.

Additional Information

Bankability of our PPAs

A PPA from Africa GreenCo is bankable because of the unique approach that we have taken to building a product that will meet lender requirements.

our PPAs are

backed by a liquidity buffer capitalised by equity and guaranteed capital from some of the most trusted names in finance

This liquidity buffer

backs GreenCo's payment obligations and is guaranteed by GuarantCo (AA-), a highly rated provider of credit finance solutions

The liquidity buffer

steps in to mitigate any revenue shortfalls and is replenished from any later excesses, so providing significant proactive payment mitigation

GreenCo minimises

single offtaker risk by selling the power that it purchases to multiple credit-worthy offtakes

Offtaker risk

is further mitigated thanks to our ability to buy and sell power on the Southern African Power Pool


How can I register my project with Africa GreenCo?

Simply visit our procurement portal here and start to enter information about your project online. We will contact you regarding next steps.

Does Africa GreenCo buy projects?


Africa GreenCo is an energy trader that makes projects bankable by buying the power from projects under long-term PPAs. We do not buy projects but we will buy the power from your project.

Does Africa GreenCo finance projects?


Africa GreenCo makes qualifying projects financeable by offering developers a bankable power purchase agreement.

Does Africa GreenCo develop projects?


Africa GreenCo does not develop projects.

In which countries does Africa GreenCo operate?

Africa GreenCo has operations in Zambia, Zimbabwe, South Africa, and Namibia.

What type of energy projects does Africa GreenCo focus on?

Africa GreenCo primarily focuses on supporting renewable energy projects that are proven from a bankability standpoint. If your project involves novel or untested technology, we are happy to talk to you but the chances of us supporting such projects is low.

How many projects does Africa GreenCo have in its portfolio?

Developers with whom Africa GreenCo has engaged have registered projects in our procurement Portal representing a total of over 10 GW of capacity.

How does Africa GreenCo contribute to sustainable development in Africa?

We do this by making it possible for power projects to reach financial close and get built. In this way, we are helping to meet growing demand for electricity in Africa, and doing this in a sustainable way.

Who are Africa GreenCo's main partners and stakeholders?

Africa GreenCo works closely with private sector project developers, large buyers of electricity (both public and private), national utilities, regional energy regulators, national governments and other important stakeholders in the electricity supply industry.

How is Africa GreenCo funded?

Africa GreenCo has received financial backing from Development Finance Institutions, philanthropic organisations, and private capital.

What impact will Africa GreenCo have on local communities?

The projects that Africa GreenCo will offer power purchase agreements to are primarily located in rural areas of Southern Africa. These projects will contribute to job creation and skills development in the communities in which they are located.

How can investors get involved with Africa GreenCo?

If you would like to learn more about Africa GreenCo and the opportunity that exists for investors, please send an email to

How can I contact Africa GreenCo for more information or collaboration opportunities?

Please send an email to If you are a project developer looking to sell power or an energy user that would like to buy power, get in touch with us by sending an email to

Contact our BD Team

If you are a project developer looking to sell power or an energy user that would like to buy power, get in touch with us by sending an email to: